Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kaiserslautern, Baumholder and the Mosel

We got up late as usual and hit the road to Kaiserslautern. This is a town that Mr D visited on his way to Baumholder. I know that there is a large US military base so there would be lots of American in this town. We found this diner on one of the main roads. They had notices that US $ would be treated the same as Euros. This is a bit of a savings for those paying with US $. Mr D had a club sandwich and Mrs D had a stuffed baked potato. I had buffalo wings that were excellent but suffered the rest of the day. The staff and menu are bilingual and the customers were mostly American.

It seemed that everything was bilingual and lots of Amercian businesses like Geico and Enterprise car rental are there. This would be the perfect spot to visit if you wanted top go to Germany but not leave the US behind.
Baumholder was up the road a bit and has certainly grown since Mr D went on maneuvers here. The picture represents only a small part of the military housing in the area.
After Baumholder, we went up the road to Luxembourg. I didn't get any pictures. We drove around in the rush hour traffic but managed to see a few things. We returned to Germany and made our way down the Mosel. I enjoyed it but if I had to choose, I would take the Rhein Valley trip rather than the Mosel. If I were a wine lover, it would be a different story.
We departed the valley before we got to Koblenz. We went up out the the valley and caught the Autobahn home to Worms. It was the first time I had driven on the Autobahn in the dark. Mrs. D was bothered by it but we made our way home in just over an hour.
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