Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Checking out Speyer

After getting back from the mountains, we needed to take it easy for a couple of days. Mr. D caught a bad cold and then the altitude bothered him a great deal. On Sunday we drove around a bit and ended up in Speyer. It's the next major town up the Rhein from Worms. It's a bit more touristy. I think there was an Imax theatre and a transportation museum. The parks were very crowded as it was a fairly decent day after a rainy period. I left Mr & Mrs D in the car and ran to the Dom to take some pictures. It's impressive but I don't think it compares favorably to the Dom in Worms. Maybe I'm a little biased. I managed to find the road through the square so they could get a closer view of the Dom.

On the way out of the Dom, I held the door for the guy in the last picture. I'm not sure who he was but he was walking around like he was the big boss.
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