Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our last Saturday night in Worms

I had seen all the signs advertising shopping until midnight on May 29. I didn't think much about it until I went downtown. It really was full blown street fair with bungee jumping in Ludwigsplatz. It was a really great evening.
I watched the bunjee jumping for quite a while. Only one time did they come back down without a jump. The poor guy looked like he was going to faint. It a good thing they put a tether on the jumpers until they get to the appropriate height.

I found a book about Worms in the 50s so I took it back to the apartment so Mr D could look at it. I decided to leave the cameras at home. I wish I hadn't. I came across an Elvis impersonator (sponsored by KIA) and a couple that sang a lot of popular songs. American oldies seem to be very popular although they did a decent version of 99 Luftbaloons by Nena.
I did have some sausage and pork steak from this Wurst stand. It was pretty good for "fair food".
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Nibelungen Museum

This part of the Worms' city wall houses the Nibelungen Museum. The Nibelungen legend is a great saga that is set largely in Worms. There are differing versions of the story. The version I like is closer to Fritz Lang's 5 hour silent film than to Wagner's Ring Cycle operas.

The museum is modern. There are headsets available in English. One just needs to walk to the listenting stations and you get the narrator explaining the whole story in one tower and then different segments of the poem in the second tower. You sit in the chair and listen.
I think I mentioned earlier that I bought the Fritz Lang movie. It's five hours long and clips are used extensively in the museum. I even picked up some little dragons for souvenirs as a dragon is key to the story. It give a new meaning to "blood bath".
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