The horse (nicknamed Max) represents Volker von Alzey. Volker is a character in the Nibelungenlied. Mrs D could only think how her great grandchild, Tyler, would enjoy sitting in the saddle. He is quite the cowboy.
I'll have to research it but fountains here always have some small creature like a mouse. I'm not sure what the meaning is.
We decided to have a quick lunch in Alzey. Mr D had a roll with smoked salmon, Mrs D had bean soup and I had a roll with Matje herring. Mrs D was happy as could be. She had been craving bean soup but we hadn't seen any since arriving in Germany. BTW, Matje herring is not pickled but salted and the packed in oil. I've learned that Dutch matjes are lower in salt than German matjes. I've probably eaten more fish in the last 3 weeks than in the last year.
As soon as we finished with the food we moved over a block to wach the fiddle player come out of the tower. It marks the hour and different music plays at different times. I didn't recognise the tune today but last time it was Yesterday by the Beatles
I think Alzey gets the prize for best smaller town we've visited.